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Nano-materials Synthesis and Characterization

Tues 3 September to Wed 4 September Or Tues 17 September to Wed 18 September
Workshop Code (C6)

Nano-materials Synthesis and characterization

This workshop introduces nano-materials, giving participants insights into diverse synthesis and characterization techniques. Key topics include the XRD technique and Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR). Participants will engage in hands-on application of these techniques. The overarching goal of the workshop is to furnish a thorough comprehension of nanotechnology characterization, empowering participants with the skills and knowledge needed to proficiently analyze and study nano-materials.


  • 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Introduction to Nano-materials Synthesis
  • 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM: Nano-materials Synthesis methods
  • 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM: Break
  • 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Hands-on activity: Synthesis of nano-materials by different methods


  • 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM: Introduction to XRD technique
  • 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM: Introduction to FTIR technique
  • 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM: Break
  • 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Sample measurements, data analysis and interpretation of experimental results

For more inquiries about the workshop, kindly contact:
