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Mona Mostafa Mohamed

Mona Mostafa Mohamed

Professor of Cell and Cancer Biology 


Mona Mostafa Mohamed, BSc., MSc., PhD., is a Professor of Cell and Cancer Biology; upon completing her doctorate at Cairo University, Professor Mohamed was competitively selected for a prestigious Postdoctoral Avon-AACR International Scholar Award in Breast Cancer Research (2005-2007). During her postdoctoral, Professor Mohamed published a “Nature” paper in 2006 which made her the first woman at Cairo University to publish in Nature, Nature paper in 2006 increased Cairo University ranking to be included in the top 500 Universities all over the world.

In 2008 Professor Mohamed was awarded a start up fund from Avon foundation, USA to establish the first specific breast cancer biology research lab in Egypt. Professor Mohamed is interested in studying the biology of locally advanced breast cancer (LABC), metastatic breast cancer, with special focus on inflammatory breast cancer (IBC), which is the most aggressive form of breast cancer with unidentified reasons. Professor Mohamed runs a very productive international collaboration with different universities in USA, Canada and Europe her collaborative research results contribute to better understanding of IBC disease progression and was introduced in clinical trials. Professor Mohamed’s research is funded by Avon Foundation-USA, NIH-Fogarty international center, Science and Technology development Fund (STDF)-Egypt, USA-Egypt joint grants, European Commission-Horizon 2020 and donations from breast cancer patients.

Professor Mohamed published more than 40 papers in high impact peer review journals and supervised 17 M.Sc and 13 PhD theses. Because of her scientific achievements, in 2012, she was selected by the U.S. State Department to be inducted into the Women in Science Hall of Fame and in 2014, she received Arab Women Organization Prize in Science and Technology.

Area Of Research

  • Understanding the biology of breast cancer such as locally advanced breast cancer (LABC).
  • Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) and inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). Utilizing advanced biotechnology approaches in genetics.
  • Epigenetics, cell biology, molecular biology, immunology, cancer biology, cell & tissue culture.
  • Life cell imaging technology and stem cells characterization to identify specific diagnostic and prognostic disease markers and introduce new target therap.

Awards / Honorable Mentions

  • Honored by the Ministry of Culture Egypt on Women’s Day for her Scientific Achievements. 2019
  • Received Arab Women Organization prize in Science and Technology. 2014
  • Honored by Alexandria Regional Center for Women’s Health and Development, Alexandria, Egypt 2013
  • Women in Science Hall of Fame, U.S. Department of State. 2012
  • Awarded “Best Abstract” prize in the Middle East Best of CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium King Abdulaziz Medical City (KAMC), Saudi Arabia. 2011
  • Awarded Cairo University “Nature” publication prize. 2007
  • Awarded John F. Perkins, Jr. Memorial Award from American Physiological Society. 2006
  • Selected as a recipient “Visiting Scholars in Global Infectious Diseases Marine Biological Laboratory, 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA, USA. 2005
