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Field of Applied Languages

Applied Japanese Language Program

Applied Japanese Language Program

Required Courses Dual Degree Duration
48 Courses Not Available 8 Semesters
Language Credit Hours Annual Fees
Japanese 128 Cr. Hrs 43,000 EGP

Program Overview

The Japanese Language Program aims to qualify learners of Japanese Language to be almost native speakers of Japanese Language and a professional translator from and into Japanese, as well as mastering the skills of intercultural dialogue, for which translation is a major crossing.

The program meets the labor market’s need for a large number of highly qualified translators to be a bridge to transfer culture to Egypt and the Arab world in light of the Egyptian state’s tendency to benefit from the Japanese experience in all fields.

  • why study the Japanese language Program at GU

The Japanese language program at Galala University is the only one which is supervised by Japanese and Egyptian staff and has a partnership with Hiroshima University. There are 5 Professors from Hiroshima University co-supervising with Galala University in managing the curriculums, teaching staff, overseas study opportunities, etc..

The program has academic ties and collaborative relations with other Japanese universities such as Keio University, Tohoku University, Nara Women’s University, and Yokohama National University.

In addition, Galala University is seeking to negotiate with other Japanese universities in order to provide overseas study opportunities for the enrolled students in the program.

Moreover, the program in cooperation with Japanese associations prepares training courses for the enrolled students in the fields of Japanese language, bilingual translation and interpretation, education of Japanese language for foreigners using the latest technological methods and best-seller textbooks under the supervision of elite Japanese and Egyptian experts.

The program also provides training opportunities for the enrolled students to master the written, oral, and visual translation to and from the Japanese language, especially the ones related to and required in Egyptian and Japanese companies, organizations, and associations, such as subtitling, manga, Japanese animation films, films, Journalistic, economic, lawful, religious, literary translations. Moreover, the program provides training courses in teaching skills to the Japanese language for international students.

  • Opportunities to Study in Japan

 – The program qualifies the top degree students for obtaining grants from the Japanese Embassy to study at distinguished Japanese universities for a period of one year. The Japanese government undertakes to provide air tickets, accommodation costs, Japanese university expenses, and a monthly stipend for the duration of stay in Japan.

– The program qualifies students to apply for grants to travel to study in Japan. These grants are offered by Japanese universities: long grants from 6 months to a year, and short grants from two weeks to 3 months.

– The Egypt-Japan Education Partenership (EJEP) of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education provides opportunities for program students to obtain scholarships to study in Japan for a semester or a year at Japanese universities.

– The program prepares workshops and seminars with Japanese students and professors from Japanese universities. 


Over the past 150 years, Japan has experienced change at a breakneck pace but has retained its fascinating cultural heritage. Studying with us allows you to develop linguistic and analytical skills, to engage critically with this dynamic society.

The Japanese Language Student-Centered Program at GU offers students various opportunities to study the Japanese language and culture across the curriculum. These include language courses at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. 

The Japanese Language Program is committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching. Its mission is to bring students of various backgrounds to the point of communicative competence in Japanese and to equip them with the linguistics skills and cultural knowledge necessary to further pursue their academic, professional, and personal goals.

The combination of language proficiency, intercultural competence, and international experiences in this program provides students with a distinct advantage in employment opportunities and reliable knowledge of science and technology.

  • The Applied Japanese Language (Translation Track)Provides students with a clear understanding and historical overview of the Japanese culture, traditions and norms, along with a high level of proficiency in the Japanese written and spoken language. The program also enables students to function effectively in cross-cultural contexts, and to contribute meaningfully to the global challenges of today’s world. When you learn Japanese, you’ll have less competition in opportunities available in different fields, such as business, social sciences, humanities, technology, translation, journalism and tourism. If you want to be a translator for the government or a language services provider, your competition is lower when you speak Japanese compared to other more commonly taught languages.

Degree Requirements

To graduate from this program, you will need to study 128 credit hours, these are classified into 3 different levels as follows:

  1. University Requirements include a total of 20 Credit Hours, divided into 14 Credit Hours for 7 mandatory courses and 6 Credit Hours for 3 elective courses.
  2. Faculty Requirements include a total of 24 Credit Hours, divided into 15 Credit Hours for 5 mandatory courses and 9 Credit Hours for 3 elective courses.
  3. Specialized Requirements include a total of 84 Credit Hours, divided into 60 Credit Hours for 20 mandatory courses and 24 Credit Hours for 8 elective courses.

Learning Outcomes

Reads different texts correctly according to the rules of phonetics.

Explains literary currents in the Japanese language.

Identifies the specialized terms in Japanese language, literature and translation.

Writes research according to the rules of scientific research.

Uses different Japanese dictionaries.

Writes an article in Japanese language or the second foreign language.

Translates various texts from multiple fields.

Identifies basic knowledge in the fields of literary editing.

Potential Career Opportunities

The wide range of skills, our students will acquire from our program, including speaking, translating, analyzing, and understanding cultural aspects of Japan will give them the edge in a range of careers, both in Egypt and Japan.

Our graduates can work as:



Flight Attendants.

Touristic Guides.


Tuition Fees

  • Annual Fees: 43,000 EGP
  • Registration Fees (Paid Once): 3,500 EGP
  • Ministry Fees: 860 EGP
  • Annual Admin Fees: 7000 EGP
  • Total First Year Fees: 56,360 EGP
  • Total Annual Fees: 50,860 EGP
  • Lab Usage fees (non-Refundable):2,000 EGP