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GU joins the EMUNI Network of Euro-Mediterranean Institutions and becomes a member of the EMUNI General Assembly.


Aligning with its vision to contribute through activities in the area of higher education and research, GU is proud to announce joining the EMUNI Network of Euro-Mediterranean Institutions and becoming a member of the EMUNI General Assembly.

This cooperation aims at initiating joint projects involving collaboration in the areas of regional concern, aligned with the UfM roadmap, namely, food systems and security, renewable energy and energy security, environment and climate change. It will Uphold reforms in education and research at their respective institutions, especially with a view to fostering entrepreneurship and employability. The two parties will organize seminars, joint conferences, workshops, meetings and training programs in the areas of mutual interest.

Moreover, this signage will establish contacts with partner entities (universities, institutes, cities, companies, networks), while sharing expertise, and facilitating any other field of cooperation.

In June 2008, the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) was inaugurated in Slovenia. EMUNI was endorsed by the heads of states at the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean, identifying EMUNI in their declaration as one of the priority areas of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). EMUNI was entrusted with the mission of contributing to knowledge amongst people in the region by establishing and fostering a Euro-Mediterranean higher education and research area.