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GU Partners with Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt to Enhance Student Training and Financial Inclusion

Galala University has announced a pioneering partnership with Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt, aiming to fortify its commitment to engaging with community institutions and supporting its students towards achieving effective qualifications for the job market. This collaboration encompasses several key areas focusing on student support, financial inclusion, and academic enrichment.

Under this new protocol, students at Galala University will benefit from invaluable training opportunities tailored to meet their graduation requirements. This initiative includes continuous monitoring and evaluation of students during their training period, facilitated through constant communication with the bank’s project coordinator. This effort aims to ensure that students fully engage in their training activities and fulfill the assessment forms prepared by the university. Moreover, diligent students who show commitment and adhere to the bank’s work instructions during their training will be rewarded and awarded a certificate of completion, serving both as a motivation and recognition of their efforts.

Further emphasizing the importance of financial inclusion, Faisal Islamic Bank becomes a key success partner with Galala University. The bank commits to participating in university activities, encouraging students and university staff to embrace the financial inclusion system. The bank will organize educational lectures to introduce its services and products, aiming to educate and engage the university community. During university events promoting financial inclusion, the bank will offer free banking services and accounts, along with the possibility of installment plans and financing for students’ tuition fees.

The academic dimension of this partnership offers researchers and students access to the extensive resources of both the bank’s and the university’s libraries. It also facilitates the integration of practical experience with academic learning by hosting bank experts as guest speakers in relevant courses. This approach is designed to prepare students more effectively for the job market by blending academic knowledge with real-world experience.

Galala University is excited about this collaboration, which opens new horizons for its students and contributes significantly to their academic and professional journey. The university expresses its gratitude towards Faisal Islamic Bank for its support and looks forward to the fruitful outcomes of this partnership.