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GX Club

Gaming X is the first official gaming club in Galala University. We aim to create a friendly community among all gamers in Galala University where students can show their skills at the games they play as well as getting to know different types of games.


Our mission is to give students the chance to show these talents and get rewarded for them as we will be holding tournaments in various games, and we will form an esports team that will represent Galala University in national and world tournaments. We aim at establishing a community of gamers to get to know each other and form one whole community.


Online gaming has a large and wide community in the world that’s growing every day; there are many talented people that play online games here at Galala University as well. We at GX aspire to nourish these talents and let students have the luxury to have fun in their free time.


  • Conducting surveys to know what games are popular and played by GU students.
  • Creating esports teams for different games that will represent Galala University in various national and international tournaments
  • Setting up a gaming room in Galala University, where finals for huge tournaments will take place. It will also be used for choosing the esports team and training them
  • Collaborating with gaming companies for future events


  • Organizing friendly competitions on weekly basis between students, as well as monthly tournaments with prizes for the winners.
  • Each year we will hold a gaming festival on campus, where people can cosplay their favourite characters of any game, as well as a musical concert during the festival.
  • Setting up tournaments for popular mobile games
  • Trips to gaming festivals (Insomnia, Egycon…..etc.)
  • Uploading highlights for different games on our YouTube channel.

Organizational Structure

Tarek Abdelkader


Yara Elshafie


Mahmoud Abdelaziz

Vice President

Youssef Kadry

Marketing Head

Ahmed Elsayed


Mohamed Moataz

IT Head

Abdelaziz Samer

Event Head

Alsaeed Bassem

Registration Head