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Study Plan

Software Engineering Program (Dual Degree)

Software Engineering Program (Dual Degree)

Semester 1

Code Course Name Credit Hours
CSE 110 Principles of Programming  3
MAT 113 Calculus for Engineers I 3
MEC 042 Introduction to Engineering 2


GEO 217

Communication Skills
Climate Change and Sustainability
PSC 011 Introduction to Law and Human Rights 2

Semester 2

Code Course Name Credit Hours
CSE 205 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures 3
MAT 115  Calculus for Engineers II 3
VIA 121 History of Art 2
BIO 181 General Biology I 4
MGT 031 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2
LAN 010 Arabic Language 2

Semester 3

Code Course Name Credit Hours
MAT 212 Discrete Mathematical Structures 3
CSE 232 Computer Systems Fundamentals 3
CSE 240 Introduction to Programming Languages 3
MAT 213 Calculus for Engineers III 3
MAT 217 Engineering Statistics 3
LAN 025 First-Year Composition 3

Semester 4

Code Course Name Credit Hours
CSE 222 Design and Analysis of Data Structures and Algorithms 3
CSE 230 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 3

PHY 121

PHY 122

University Physics I: Mechanics

University Physics Laboratory I

CSE 216 Software Enterprise: Personal Process and Quality 3
LAN 029 Critical Inquiry in Engineering 3
LAN 026 First-Year Composition 3

Semester 5

Code Course Name Credit Hours
CSE 322 Principles of Database Management 3
CSE 334 Operating Systems and System Programming 3
MAT 312  Applied Linear Algebra 3
BIO 182 General Biology II 4
COM 018 Elements of Intercultural Communication 3
CSE 315 Software Enterprise: Design and Process 3

Semester 6

Code Course Name Credit Hours
HIS 111 History of Civilizations 2
CSE 316 Software Enterprise: Construction and Transition 3
CSE 321 Principles of Distributed Software Systems 3
CSE 335 Engineering Secure Software Systems 3
AIE 111 Artificial Intelligence 3
LIB 116 Research and analytical Skills 2

Semester 7

Code Course Name Credit Hours
CSE 421  Web-Based Applications 3
CSE 460 Software Analysis and Design 3
MGT 364 Organizational Ethics 3
CSE 415 Software Enterprise: Inception and Elaboration 3
CSE 493 Computing Capstone Project I 3
AIE121 Machine Learning 3

Semester 8

Code Course Name Credit Hours
CSE 494 Computing Capstone Project II 3
CSE 416 Software Enterprise: Project and Process Management 3
CSE 132 Computer Architechture 3
CSE 480 Embedded C Programming 3
AIE 3**  Elective 3

Elective (E1)

  • MEC121 Manufacturing Technology
  • CIV215 Foundation Design

Elective (E1)

  • MEC121 Manufacturing Technology
  • CIV215 Foundation Design

Elective (E1)

  • MEC121 Manufacturing Technology
  • CIV215 Foundation Design

Elective (E1)

  • MEC121 Manufacturing Technology
  • CIV215 Foundation Design

Become a global student without crossing borders. Join the first private Egyptian university that offers you world-class education and dual degrees from America’s Top ranking university, at Egyptian fees.