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Salma Dowara

Salma Dowara

Dean Faculty of Medicine



  • Dean Faculty of Medicine – Galala University from 2020 till now.

  • Emeritus Professor of General Surgery-Cairo University from 1/8/2013 till now.

  • Founder and Former Head of General Surgery Department-Army Forced College of Medicine (AFCM) till 2019.

  • Member in the Scientific Board of the Egyptian Fellowship of General Surgery.

  • Former Director of the Medical Education Development Centre (MEDC) – Faculty of Medicine – Cairo University.

  • Chairperson of the Egypt Women Surgeons Forum – American College of Surgeons (ACS).

  • Member in health and population committee; National Council of Women (NCW).

  • National Trainer with Harvard University Team.

  • One of the team of GAHAR Handbook for Ambulatory Healthcare Accreditation Standards (Edition 2022) Galala affiliation is added. Approved by Isqua 98% (great international achievement).


  • M.B.B.Ch. December 1977, Cairo University

  • Master in General Surgery May1981, Cairo University

  • M.D. in General Surgery May 1991, Cairo University

  • ILETS in English Language ,UK

  • Post Graduate Diploma of Medical Education, Dundee University, UK

  • International Certified Trainer (CT) and Human Resource (HR) Counsellor/Developer from International Board for Certifying Trainers (IBCT) in February 2008.

  • TOT Harvard University Team in management, strategy, quality and leadership 2009.

  • Teaching to Teachers (T2T) School of Medicine, Harvard University, 2021.


Area Of Research

  • More than 50 articles ,books and chapter of books 

  • Supervised many MD and Master theses.(Scholar .Cu.edu.eg)

  • General Surgery

  • Breast Surgery

  • Medical Education

  • Medical Ethics and Ethics of Research

  • Community and Family Medicine

  • Quality of Higher Education

  • Quality of Hospitals


Introduction to Bioinformatics Training IBT_ 2021 team ( the 6th iteration of H3ABioNets) ended in October 2021.

Awards/Honorable Mentions

  • The Role Model Professor(the Ideal) in Faculty of Medicine Cairo University and the Medical Syndicate, March 2005.

  • The Role Model Professor in Faculty of Medicine in Academic year 2006/2007, certificate from the Cairo University.

  • Idol lady choused by the General Organization of Culture Palaces, Ministry of Culture, March 2008, in the Egyptian Women’s Day.

  • Honoured by NAQAAE as expert and leader in quality of higher education.

  • Honoured by GAHAR for role in preparing clinical guidelines and clinical practice standards for quality of hospitals.

  • GU Ideal Mother- GU celebration of Women day and Mother Day – Certificate of Appreciation – 2023.

Academic Positions

  • Dean Faculty of Medicine – Galala University from 2020 till now
  • Emeritus Professor of General Surgery-Cairo University from 1/8/2013 till now
  • Founder and Former Head of General Surgery Department-Army Forced College of Medicine (AFCM) till 2019
  • Member in the Scientific Board of the Egyptian Fellowship of General Surgery
  • Former Director of the Medical Education Development Centre (MEDC) – Faculty of Medicine – Cairo University
  • Member of Exam Committee MD in General Surgery Department: Cairo University and Ain Shams University
  • Referee/Judge : promotion committee of professors and assistant professors- General Surgery and Oncology Higher Supreme Council of Universities– Ministry of Higher Education
  • Member in Scientific Board of the Egyptian Fellowship –General Surgery
  • Member of committee for Deans and Planning and Monitoring – Medical Sector – Higher Supreme of Education
  • As acting Head of Medical Education Department : Revising /correcting all exams before printing and/ or displaying( Pre test evaluation according to the bylaws)
  • Supervising Two clubs: -GU-SSS (Students Scientific Society Club). -GU- YRC (Young Researchers Club).

Non-academic jobs

  • Chairperson of the Egypt Women Surgeons Forum – American College of Surgeons (ACS).
  • Member in health and population committee; National Council of Women (NCW).
  • National Trainer with Harvard University Team.


  • Community services: 

  1. Establishment of a Medical clinics in GU ( Medicine and Business) to serve all Galala students and employees and the other two clinics in the dorms. There is one under construction in Sky dorms.

  2. Establish and support of Red Crescent Centre in Galala.

  3. Preparation of the campaign and the car for women health and 100 Million Seha (health services) – Campaign stayed for a week in Galala University.

  4. Sharing in Establishment of Equal Opportunity Unit.

  5. Prepared for the protocol with the National Council for Women (NCW).

  6. Prepared for protocol with Armed Forced School of Medicine (AFCM).

  7. Preparing for a campaign to prohibit smoking with MOH and examination for drivers; testing for detection of addicts.

  8. Preparing for protocol with Faculty of Medicine Cairo University (Kasr El Aini). 

  • Egyptian delegate in the International Committee of Bioethics UNESCO (2010- 2013).

  • Member in the National Committee for establishing the National Egyptian Centre for assessment, evaluation and developing systems of admission for higher education. Ministerial decree no. 138 (19/1/2010).

  • Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Challenges in the Arab Region”,December,2011,Abou Dhabi o Workshop: Arab Spring to Arab Summer-Women’s Rights in Constitutions, UK ,November,2011.

  • Debate: Training of Trainers ,October ,2011-Amman-Jordan with British Council.

  • National Council of Women(NCW) in health and Population committee o Consultant for higher education in the British Council.

  • Higher Committee of Training and Human Resource Development, Ministry of Health, Egypt.

  • Higher Curriculum Committee, Faculty of Medicine , Cairo University.

  • Higher Examination Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

  • Bioethics Committee in the national UNESCO.

  • Bioethics Committee in the Ministry state of scientific research.

  • The Egyptian delegate in the 5th meeting of IGBC (Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee),UNESCO, Paris 19-20 July 2007.

  • Alliance for Arab Women o Medical Education Development centre, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University (MEDC).

  • Egyptian Red Crescent.

  • Friends of Kasr El Aini Society.