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Galala University Student Achieves LEED Green Associate Certification

Galala University Student Achieves LEED Green Associate Certification, Becoming Youngest in Egypt and Middle East
In a remarkable achievement, Mustafa Wael, a second-year student at Galala National University’s Faculty of Architecture, has become the youngest individual in Egypt and the Middle East to obtain the LEED Green Associate (LEED GA) certification. This international credential signifies his expertise in green building practices and solidifies his position as a rising star in sustainable design.

The LEED GA certification is the first step towards professional accreditation in green building. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to implement sustainable design principles throughout a building’s lifecycle, from conception to construction, operation, and maintenance.

Mustafa’s accomplishment not only highlights his dedication to environmental responsibility but also reflects the commitment of Galala University to fostering future leaders in sustainability. LEED-certified projects are demonstrably more efficient in terms of energy and water consumption, while also prioritizing the use of eco-friendly materials. This translates to significant environmental benefits and the creation of healthier spaces for occupants.

Galala University extends its heartfelt congratulations to Mustafa Wael on this exceptional achievement. His dedication and initiative serve as an inspiration to aspiring architects. The university remains committed to providing its students with the necessary resources and guidance to excel in their chosen fields and contribute meaningfully to building a more sustainable future.