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Field of Administrative Sciences

Economics and Political Science Program

Economics & Political Science Program

Required Courses Dual Degree Duration
49 Courses Not Available 8 Semester
Language Credit Hours Annual Fees
English 134 Hours 46,000 EGP

Program Overview


Are you curious about how our society is structured and functioning? Do you want to understand how economic and political structures affect our society? Then our bachelor program in economics and political science is for you.

The study of Economics provides insights into decision-making, market outcomes, and the functioning of the overall economy. … By combining coursework in Economics and Political Science, students gain an interdisciplinary perspective important to understanding both political and economic issues. The Economics and Political Science program of Galala University is intended to familiarize students with the discipline of economic thinking and to equip them for an intelligent appraisal of contemporary economic problems. It is also intended to make students aware of the nature of economic science, and of the directions in which economic theory is moving.

Economics is guided by Politics. It always takes the help of Political Science for securing the right economic policies and goals. Thus, Political Science and Economics are two highly and closely related interdependent social sciences. The two cannot be separated. Their boundaries overlap and cross.

  • This program will help you better understand how governments operate and interact, the impact of government policies on economic stability and growth, and how laws affect social and political change. Politics influences every aspect of our lives and contributes to the well-being of a nation, including education, employment, healthcare, and housing

Degree Requirements

This program requires for graduation to achieve 134 chr, these are classified in 3 different levels as follows:

University Requirement: 20 Credit Hours.

Core courses/Elective courses: 114 CHS (32 Compulsory Courses, 4 Electives) + internship and a graduation project over two semesters).

Total: 134 Credit Hours.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program will possess the following learning outcomes:

Assess research practices and compare theoretical positions affecting both Economics and Politics.

Apply theoretical perspectives to real-life situations and challenges

Understand the relationship between the political economy and public choice (the use of analytical tools of economics in the study of politics).

Potential Career Opportunities

This degree will help to prepare you for careers in areas of economics, policy, government, and consultancy. You could also gain entry to a master’s program in these fields.

You can be;

Market Research Analyst
Market research analysts study selling and buying trends for various demographics. Their research might help inform economic policy, develop new products for organizations or adjust advertising and social media messaging for audiences.

Diplomats, ambassadors, and foreign service officers are international relations specialists stationed in consulates and embassies around the world. They can fill a wide variety of roles such as economists, healthcare workers, or translators.

Political Consultant
Political consultants work with political candidates to run successful campaigns for offices at all levels. They might help develop public messaging, public relations strategies, write speeches and more.

Operations Research Analyst
Operations research analysts use a variety of research techniques like statistics, data mining, mathematics and modeling to solve operational problems for businesses and organizations. They might address issues like inefficiencies, revenue and growth.

Public Relations Specialist
Public relations specialists are responsible for owning, adjusting and maintaining the reputation of a company, department or organization. To do this, they might complete tasks like communicating with major news sources, writing blog posts, managing social media and developing press releases.

Business Analyst
Business analysts are responsible for studying and assessing the needs of various organizations to develop business system solutions. They aggregate data from various sources and use statistical and mathematical methods to answer complex business questions.

Economists research financial trends and provide recommendations and forecasts based on their studies. They might advise legislators when developing new financial laws, corporations when planning future revenue, and more.

Market Research Analyst
These analysts apply many of the skills that economics majors develop, such as the use of presentation software and a graphical representation, as well as writing and statistical skills. They must think critically about products and services and be adept at solving problems.

Business Reporter
Business/economics reporters research, write and broadcast stories about business leaders, companies, industry trends, economic developments, and financial markets. In essence, they are ongoing students of economics as applied to the modern world.

Journalists Collect information about news and events. They can also Collaborate with an editor and create new content, Write, edit, and review stories.

As you can see, careers in economics & Political Sciences are very versatile and provide numerous transferable skills that a lot of employers are looking for. The job opportunities for Political Sciences graduates aren’t limited to the list above, as you can find other careers you can pursue.


Tuition Fees (Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: 46,000 EGP
  • Annual administrative fees (to be paid before the first semester): 9,420 EGP
  • Admission administrative fees(To  be paid once on the admission’s semester): 5,500 EGP

Tuition Fees (Non-Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: $3,500

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